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Don't "Pass" on Max Feinstein

Max Feinstein @BloodAndSound has released "Pass," the music video produced and created by NonLinear Knitting, at NLK Studio. "Pass" is about acknowledging the pressure and voices in your head that tell you that "you can't." But you can. Wait it out. Breath through it. And it will pass.

Photo by Arden Duffield @c.anofsardines

Brain Yost, lighting director and myself (CourTney Collins, Producer/DP), had a great time creating a 90's video vibe while looking behind the scenes to show Max's internal voice manifest in the form of the hilarious improv. actress, Shelby Capone, who creates external havoc during the shoot of his music video. I even brought the two TV's from my living room to add to the "big stage" feel.

Band pictured: Johnny Rock, Drums/Wilhelmus Sapanaro, Bass/ Nick Potters, Keys

Max and Shelby were a stellar acting duo: both being a pleasure to work with and brought a lot to the table.

So take a deep breath and hit play.


CourTney Collins, NonLinear Knitting: Producer/DP/Editor

Brian Yost: Lighting Director

Arden Duffield: PA/BTS


Shelby Capone: Inner Max

Johnny Rock: Drummer

Wilhelmus Sapanaro: Bassist

Nick Potters: Pianist


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