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Warmed by Tiphanie Doucet’s Sun

Tiphanie Doucet came to me with an idea for a music video. She wanted to create something that felt very one-on-one, with the audience being the other person in the couple. The “couple” could be open to interpretation as a best friend or a lover, ultimately just someone that was meaningful and would be warmed by her loving personality and sweet smile. NonLinear Knitting Presents Tiphanie Doucet “Under My Sun” OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO.

We got up at 5am, trucked her bike and my 8ft ladder to the middle of Liberty State Park to shoot in the warm sunrise. However, the day ended up being cloudy and gloomy. So much for sun…

At first we were a bit bummed, but after going through the final footage, I was pleased. Her energy warms the video all on its own. We didn’t need the sun after all.

Featured in the video is her bike. A couple things about Tiphanie. She loves music, yoga, and her bike. Shortly after the video came out, she was sitting and working at a local coffee shop with her bike outside and it was stolen! Needless to say, she was heart-broken.

As I was walking through our neighborhood a few days later, I spotted her bike outside of an apartment only a block away from where she lived. She was reunited with her bike! Crazy, right?

Just keep being sunny and the energy will come back to you.


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